Buy amitamin® in the United States or Canada?

Buy the products from our distributor in New Zealand.

Buy amitamin in the U.S. or CanadaAre you interested in buying amitamin® products and live in the United States, in Canada or Mexico? While we do not ship directly from Germany, you can buy the products from our distributor in New Zealand, amitamin AUNZ Ltd.. They use dhl international shipment and don´t charge shipping fees for orders above 100 AUD!

Please check:

Two alternative methods to get amitamin® products shipped to the USA or Canada

You might place an order and make the products a de-tour, in order to appear as private shipping. There are three ways that apparently worked, but where we do not have any influence and cannot guarantuee that it works.

1) "Shop and Ship" or "Skypax" or "Borderlinx" international courier service

Disclaimer: Please note that the following process works for many people, but we cannot guarantuee that it works for your country, product and individual shipment. The information is current as of Jan 2016.

Shop and Ship is an international courier service offered by Aramex, a large international logistics and courier company. It is designed to help people buying products from companies that usually do not cover the country of the buyer. Rates are, relative tho the service, relatively cheap (see their rates here: We do have good customer experience for a number of countries.

Skypax is equally recommended and works very similar. Pricing is really cheap. It should be around 35 USD per parcel. Please see Please note: when you use the Skypax service, you must choose the UK region within the shop.

How it works (example for shop and ship, but skypax and borderlinx service are very similar)

In short, this is how it works (see more here):

1) You register at It´s an easy and free online process.

2) You shop at our amitamin webshop for Germany (click here!), choosing the Frankfurt (Kelsterbach) address of ShopandShip network in Germany with your new mailbox number. Your mail address for invoice and delivery should look like this:

    John Buyer  
    Sovereign Courier GmbH, Mönchhofallee 13
    JED 123456
    65451 Kelsterbach


  • Please choose Credit card payment as payment method. Other payment types (open invoice, on credit) will NOT work. You would get an order confirmation from the shop, but these orders will be filtered and canceled afterwards.
  • Please double check your address. Errors in the address will cause long delays!

3) We send the ordered products to the given address, the Kelsterbach logistics hub. Then, the courier service will open the parcel, check the invoice from us, prepare the custom documents. They can also combine the order with other orders from other companies you might make out of Germany. They will send the product to you via courier mail, and they will do the customs procedure for you. Once the product is on the way from Germany to your home, you must pay directly.

For more details, please see here or contact !


Option 2: Please use the services of the courier company "Skypax". Prices per parcel are around 25 USD / 22 GBP / 35 AUD.


To check shipping rates, please go to:

This is how it works:

  1. you register an account with Borderlinx,
  2. you now have a unique post box number. Order with amitamin and use your address constisting of your unique post box number and the borderlinx warehouse in Germany. Your australian or Kiwi credit card will work for the payment. Do pay your order by credit card - we will have to cancel all orders with other payment types.
  3. We will ship to the Borderlinx warehouse, usually within 2-4 days.
  4. Borderlinx will re-pack the goods and ship them to you in Australia or New Zealand.

2) Have a friend in Europe ship the products as private parcel

What is possible is that if you travel to Europe, you may purchase the products here and bring them with your luggage back to North America. If you take an amount that is not commercial but for private use, probably up to twelve packages, there should be no problems at the customs. All ingredients are registered as food supplements and the formula and ingredients would certainly be in line with US regulations. But: the packagin is not, so we cannot do any commercial shipping.

You may also have a friend or relative in Europe. That person could also buy the products and send a private parcel to Canada or the USA. This parcel should pass customs without any problems. We already tested this way of sending products to friends in the USA.

Is there a Distributor in the United States or Canada?

Unfortunately not at this point of time. If you represent a distributor located in the US, Canada or Mexico, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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